Original score by Matt O’Hare with the Totally Automatic new music ensemble for the 1926 silent film by Kinugasa Teinosuke. Presented at 2223 Fish in Philadelphia. December 8 2023.
Original score, editing, and graphics by Matt O’Hare. Screened August 1 2023 from a secret location in Los Angeles as part of a public art-action.
Performer (guitar). Concert for new work by composer David Dove, performed by Nameless Sound Ensemble. Presented at The Silos in Houston, TX. June 21 2022.
Co-writer/director. New media theatre performance created with students at Haverford College with support from the CRAFT Grant. Presented at VCAM April 28 - May 3 2022.
Computer-animated film with original score by Brian Wenner. Screened and/or exhibited:
Presented by VCAM and CRAFT, Haverford College, Haverford, PA, November 2021.
“Anywhere But Here” group exhibition curated by Slow Burn NYC, Presented by The Canvas Bowery, March-May 2021
Contemporary and Digital Art Fair (CADAF) @ Art Basel Miami, December 2019
Satellite Art Show, Brooklyn, NY, October 2019
Satellite Art Show @ SXSW, Austin, TX March 2019
40-min film for Blaffer Art Museum, created with students at University of Houston with funding from Cynthia Woods Mitchell Center for the Arts. Premiered May 2020.
Public art installation created for Theater Neumarkt in support of their theatre production They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? Installed at the Hauptbahnhof Main Station in Zurich, Switzerland, Aug-Sept 2019
Director and co-writer, new media theatre performance created with students at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with funding from the School of HASS at RPI, presented at the Experimental Media and Performance Arts Center (EMPAC) in Troy, NY, June 27-28 2019.
Performing as “Sleeper.” Performance created by artist Linda Montano, funded by iEAR Presents, performed at the Chapel + Cultural Center in Troy, NY, December 5 2018.
Creator/performer. Solo new media performance. Funded by the School of HASS at RPI and presented while in residence at the Experimental Media and Performance Arts Center (EMPAC) in Troy, NY, June 5-20 2017.
Creator/performer. New media theatre performance. Funded by the School of HASS at RPI and presented while in residence at the Experimental Media and Performance Arts Center (EMPAC) in Troy, NY, April 29 - May 7 2016.
Director and interactive media designer. Written by Sam Shepard and Joseph Chaikin. Presented at the 'soundscape' Festival at the Brick Theatre, Brooklyn, NY June 23 2013.
55 mins. Programming, electronics, guitar, and vocals by Matt O’Hare. Released May 23 2023.
Ongoing series of long-form electronic music improvisations with 4k video accompaniment (July 2022-).
60 mins. Algorithmic computer-music composition and 4k video, August 2022.
120 mins. Computer-music composition created with Processing programming language. April 2022.
45 mins. Improvisation for modular synthesizer (Brian Wenner) and Moog synthesizer (Matt O’Hare), December 2021.
45 mins. Improvisation for voice and electronics. January 2012.
Visiting Asst. Professor of Visual Studies and English, Digital Media Fellow, and Director of Studio for Electronic Art (S.E.A.)
• ENGL H371A Sound Studies: Modernity + Synthesis
• VIST H107B New Media Performance Project
• VIST H218A Realtime Interfaces for Creative Expression: Intro to Max/MSP
• VIST H221A Modular Sound: Ways of Listening + Audio Synthesis
Scholar-In-Residence, Dept. of Interdisciplinary Practices and Emerging Forms; Affiliate Faculty, Photography and Digital Media
• ART 3374 Computer Imaging (Remote)
• ART 3376 Junior Photography Seminar: Video Art (Remote)
• ART 6397 (Un)mediated Performance Project
Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Dept. of Electronic Arts
• ARTS 1020 Digital Imaging (Remote)
• ARTS 1040 Art for Interactive Media: Intro to Processing
• IHSS 1962 Acting with Computers: Intro to Max/MSP
• ARTS 2961 Collaborative Theatre Project